News & Publications

Wellness Highlights
Healthy Longevity and physical activity Since 2010, the percentage of older people reporting bad or very bad health has decreased from 25% to 19% (2023). Despite this, a portion of the aged population still spends their retirement in chronic disease conditions.
Ageing and dementia: a global priority Dementia represents one of the world's most pressing and complex challenges with an estimated 57 million (2019) people affected and expected to increase to 153 million by 2050.
Prevention: How Much Does Italy Spend Compared to the European Average? Italy spends less than the rest of Europe, in fact only 0.4% of Italian GDP is allocated to prevention, against an EU average of 0.65%.
Mental health in the workplace Work is an important determinant of mental health: meaningful work can boost mental health while poor working conditions can impair it.
New global estimates of physical inactivity – WHO, 2024 Nations are off track to meet the global target of 15% reduction in physical inactivity by 2030 relative to 2010 levels.
Food Environment and Obesity Obesity is a critical risk factor for non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and it is influenced by a complex, multifaceted system of determinants, including the food environment.
World Happiness Report 2024 Nordic countries continue to hold the top positions of the list, with Finland, Denmark and Iceland leading the way. Unfortunately, USA and Germany left the top 20. Italy ranks 41st.
Closing the women’s health gap: a $1 trillion opportunity to improve lives and economies Women live longer but they spend more time dealing with health issues, impacting their well-being and ability to support themselves and their families.
Diets and risk of depression Following a healthy diet, especially a typical Mediterranean one, and avoiding a pro-inflammatory diet may lead to a lower incidence of depressive symptoms or clinical depression.
10 tips for cardiovascular health & longevity A recent study has compiled ten evidence-based strategies to promote cardiometabolic health and slow cardiovascular aging
Europe is ageing Projections indicate that by 2100, 1 in 3 Europeans will be aged 65 or older, emphasizing the need to address the various consequences of this demographic shift.
Sleeping less than 5 hours increases the risk of NCDs People who reported sleeping 5 hours or less at age 50 were found to be 20% more likely to be diagnosed with a chronic disease and 40% more likely to have 2 or more chronic diseases compared to those with up to 7 hours of sleep.
8% of adolescents engage in 1 hour of physical activity per day The data are alarming, which is why the Federazione degli oncologi, cardiologi ed ematologi has launched, together with the Ministry of Sport and Coni, the new edition of "Allenatore alleato di salute"
The race against a silent killer Treating hypertension is one of the most important interventions to meet the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 3.4
Physical inactivity for kids is out of control The World Health Organization has revealed concerning data: 81% of 11 to 17-year-olds are not physically active, with girls being more affected (85% inactive, compared to 78% of boys).
GDP is not a measure of Well-being There is more to life than the cold numbers of GDP and economic statistics. The Better Life Index is an example of going beyond GDP to measure well-being.
Food processing & cancer risk in Europe Processed and ultraprocessed food consumption increase the risk for cancer. Replacing a small amount of such foods with minimally processed options may reduce that risk.
Steps are good for your heart In over 60s, taking 6000 steps a day reduces the chance of cardiovascular disease by 40-50% compared to walking 2000 steps a day.
The effects of sleep deprivation A ten-year study looked at cognitive function in 8,958 people aged 50 and over in England. The research team investigated how different combinations of sleep and physical activity habits might affect people's cognitive function over time.
Dementia: modifiable risk factors An update to the Lancet Commission on Dementia prevention, intervention and care presents a life-course model showing that 12 potentially modifiable risk factors account for around 40% of worldwide dementias
Health is Wealth According to Schwab's seventh annual Modern Wealth Survey, when it comes to wealth, wealth is more important than money or other assets.
Health for All: transforming economies to deliver what matters We need to reorient economic policies away from measures like GDP and towards well-being and health for all.
World Happiness Report 2023 Lo sapevi che secondo il World Happiness Report la Finlandia è stata il paese più felice del mondo negli ultimi 6 anni?
Equitable and sustainable well-being BES Report 2022: 46% of Italians are very satisfied with their lives, but satisfaction with their leisure time and their future has decreased.
Sport: Italians are less active than the European average Sport is good for your health, but how much is it practised in Italy and in the rest of Europe?
Salt reduction: a life-saving strategy The global burden of unhealthy diets is a major public health challenge. 1.89 million deaths are associated with excessive intake of salt.
Physical activity: a mainstay treatment for mental disorders Largest meta-analysis to-date confirms that physical activity effectively reduces depression, anxiety and psychological distress.
Commercial determinants of health Commercial actors influence health in several ways. The frameworks for understanding and an agenda for responding to the influences on health are set out in The Lancet Series on the Commercial Determinants of Health.
School health and nutrition Childhood and adolescence are critical times for establishing healthy lifestyles. In the new global report on school health and nutrition, ‘Ready to learn and thrive’, UNESCO answers to some important questions about this topic.
In the EU less than 3% goes to preventive care On average in the EU, public and private expenditure on preventive care account for less than 3% of total health expenditure, while 97% is dedicated to cure.
Health, happiness and the Wellness Economy A recent report by the Global Wellness Institute highlighted the relationship between the wellness economy and life satisfaction. Where the expense of wellness products and services is higher, people are happier and more satisfied with their lives.
The role of physical activity on mental health 280 million people around the globe suffer from depression, which is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Research supports a beneficial role of exercise and increased physical activity for addressing mental health issues.
New report on childhood obesity in Europe WHO Europe has published a new Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) report, measuring trends in overweight and obesity among 411.000 children aged 6-9 years in 33 countries (out of 45 countries that participated in the fifth round).
The global cost of physical inactivity The World Health Organization recently published The Global status report on physical activity 2022, measuring the extent to which governments are implementing recommendations to increase physical activity across all ages and abilities.
Wellness Talks Discovering the wellness economy with international experts
Luca De Biase & Stefano Moriggi PART 2 Stefano Moriggi, an expert in logic and the philosophy of science, teaches Educational Technologies at the University of Milano-Bicocca
Luca De Biase & Stefano Moriggi PART 1 Stefano Moriggi, an expert in logic and the philosophy of science, teaches Educational Technologies at the University of Milano-Bicocca
Luca De Biase & Silvio Garattini Silvio Garattini, founder of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research
Luca De Biase & Enrico Giovannini Enrico Giovannini, scientific director of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development, ASviS
Luca De Biase & Andreas Scheleicher Andreas Schleicher, Director for education and skills, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris
Be Wellness 2023 2023

Be Wellness. Choose to live well

Exercise is essential to achieve lasting mental and physical well-being. Yet, practising a sport - or simply "exercising" - is not enough.

BORN-TO-MOVE-scaled 2014

Born to Move

From the garage of a small house in the Italian countryside to the Wellness Economy. Nerio Alessandri shares his story as a wellness pioneer and his vision for a long-term sustainable development.


Be Wellness

Nerio Alessandri answers to the emerging questions around the Wellness Lifestyle, which is now a necessity.

WELLNESS_-History-and-Culture 2007

Wellness. History and Culture of living well

The book traces the history of Wellness through 12 essays written by preeminent Italian academics.

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The Arte Gymnastica

A prestigious edition of the “De Arte Gymnastica”, the first publication on sports medicine written in 1569 by Girolamo Mercuriale, an Italian doctor.

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Wellness! Choose to live well

The first book written by Nerio Alessandri presenting the manifesto of the Wellness Lifestyle and its individual and social benefits.

Screenshot 2024-09-24 182408 2024

Wellness Valley Report 05

The Wellness Valley Report 05 represents the fifth edition of an in-depth analysis of the progress of the Wellness Valley. The report explores key themes such as sustainable economic development, the evolution of tourism, the quality of education and health, as well as the dynamics related to the territory

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Milano Wellness City 2030

The Assessment Report presents the results of an in-depth study on the state of well-being in Milan, analyzing demographic, economic, lifestyle, and infrastructure data. The findings highlight a city with the potential to become a reference point in the wellness sector, but there are challenges to be addressed

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Exercise is Medicine

Exercise is Medicine is a practical guide to help doctors integrate physical activity into daily practice. Fifteen years after the first edition, it addresses chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and depression, providing precise recommendations on the type, frequency, intensity, and duration of exercise

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Wellness Valley Report 04

The Wellness Valley Report 04 represents the fifth edition of an in-depth analysis of the progress of the Wellness Valley. The report explores key themes such as sustainable economic development, the evolution of tourism, the quality of education and health, as well as the dynamics related to the territory

Cover Wellness Valley Report 03

Wellness Valley Report 03

The Wellness Valley Report 03 represents the fifth edition of an in-depth analysis of the progress of the Wellness Valley. The report explores key themes such as sustainable economic development, the evolution of tourism, the quality of education and health, as well as the dynamics related to the territory

Cover Wellness Valley Report 02

Wellness Valley Report 02

The Wellness Valley Report 02 represents the fifth edition of an in-depth analysis of the progress of the Wellness Valley. The report explores key themes such as sustainable economic development, the evolution of tourism, the quality of education and health, as well as the dynamics related to the territory

Cover Wellness Valley Report 01

Wellness Valley Report 01

The Wellness Valley Report 01 represents the fifth edition of an in-depth analysis of the progress of the Wellness Valley. The report explores key themes such as sustainable economic development, the evolution of tourism, the quality of education and health, as well as the dynamics related to the territory

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