The Wellness Valley Observatory

The Wellness Valley Observatory is an independent body established by the Emilia-Romagna regional government with the purpose of studying and analysing the effects that the Wellness Valley project is generating in Romagna.
(Provision no. 14724 of September 14, 2018).
The benefits that the inhabitants of the Wellness Valley experience every day in terms of greater opportunities for health, economic and tourism development are measured, systematised and made explicit through the work of the Observatory.
The tasks assigned to the Observatory include:
- supporting the implementation of the Protocol signed by the Wellness Foundation, the Emilia-Romagna Region and the University of Bologna for the promotion of healthy lifestyles and physical activity among the population, and sharing best practices with an aim to replicate them at a regional level.
- developing methodologies for the quantitative and qualitative measurement of the social, environmental, economic and cultural impact of physical activity and educational health promotion programmes and activities.
The Working Group of the Observatory is made up of experts and researchers with different and complementary skills and background in health economics, epidemiology, tourism economics, statistics, sociology, sport management and technological development, with a view to provide a comprehensive approach in the research and evaluation.
The members belong to different regional institutions including: the Emilia-Romagna Region, the University of Bologna, the Regional Education Office, the Emilia-Romagna Consortium for sustainable growth and internationalisation (ART-ER), the Emilia-Romagna Chambers of Commerce, the Medical Councils of Romagna and the regional office of the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI).
The members belong to different regional institutions including: the Emilia-Romagna Region, the University of Bologna, the Regional Education Office, the Emilia-Romagna Consortium for sustainable growth and internationalisation (ART-ER), the Emilia-Romagna Chambers of Commerce, the Medical Councils of Romagna and the regional office of the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI).
The Wellness Foundation participates in the Working Group to contribute with its own expertise and experience to the promotion of Wellness projects and initiatives.
The Wellness Valley Report is published by the Wellness Foundation with the scientific contribution of the Observatory.
The Wellness Valley Report is published by the Wellness Foundation with the scientific contribution of the Observatory.
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Effects of Exercise on Diabetes

A long series of scientific studies attest to the effectiveness of physical exercise in the prevention, management and control of diabetes.
Medically prescribed and supervised exercise therefore represents a valuable treatment modality and should be extended to as many people as possible to reduce the impact of the disease and improve the quality of life of patients. In this connection, a new scientific project was launched at the University of Rome ‘Foro Italico’, thanks to the creation of a gym provided with the most innovative equipment and technologies donated by Technogym and located at the University Centre for Sport and Exercise Science.
This initiative was promoted by the Wellness Foundation with the collaboration of the Italian Society of Diabetology, and has three main purposes:
– scientific: to promote research and projects of national and international excellence on the effects of physical exercise in the treatment of diabetes and other chronic pathologies;
– social: to improve health in the local community through innovative exercise programmes;
– training: to create an internship programme for students of the Degree Course in Preventive and Adapted Physical Activity.
– scientific: to promote research and projects of national and international excellence on the effects of physical exercise in the treatment of diabetes and other chronic pathologies;
– social: to improve health in the local community through innovative exercise programmes;
– training: to create an internship programme for students of the Degree Course in Preventive and Adapted Physical Activity.
The Research Group involved in the scientific project has conducted several observational studies and clinical trials published in prestigious international scientific journals and brings together academic experts from the Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences of the University of Rome “Foro Italico” (Prof. Massimo Sacchetti) and from the Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Prof. Giuseppe Pugliese).
Thanks to this collaboration, the following studies have been conducted up today:
EXTRA-T2D Study: EXercise capacity and TRAinability in Type 2 Diabetes. This study aims to understand and define the determinants of training variability in persons with type 2 diabetes.
Thanks to this collaboration, the following studies have been conducted up today:
EXTRA-T2D Study: EXercise capacity and TRAinability in Type 2 Diabetes. This study aims to understand and define the determinants of training variability in persons with type 2 diabetes.
SAFE-T1D Study: Creation of a new algorithm for the management of glycemic variations induced by physical exercise in patients with type 1 diabetes in intensive insulin therapy with closed-loop hybrid systems, with the support of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua.
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Exercise for Cancer Treatment

Regular exercise has proven anti tumor effects: it drives the release of hormones and cytokines and it enhances the immune system to seek out and destroy cancer cells.
As part of its mission, the Wellness Foundation collaborates in an innovative research project for oncological treatment with the Institute of Romagna for Cancer Research (IRST), the Romagna Oncological Institute (IOR) and the local Health Unit (Ausl Romagna).
The goal is to create new treatment paths for cancer patients based on physical exercise not only as a prevention tool but as a valid support to therapy, with scientifically validated protocols.
The research project has its fulcrum in the PRIME Center in Cesena, the first center in Italy combining Prevention, Rehabilitation and Integrative Medicine. A structure of excellence inaugurated by the Romagna Oncological Institute in 2021, fully integrated into the culture of quality of life of the Wellness Valley area, representing a real innovation for the regional healthcare system.
The research project has its fulcrum in the PRIME Center in Cesena, the first center in Italy combining Prevention, Rehabilitation and Integrative Medicine. A structure of excellence inaugurated by the Romagna Oncological Institute in 2021, fully integrated into the culture of quality of life of the Wellness Valley area, representing a real innovation for the regional healthcare system.
Technogym is a partner of the scientific project and has contributed with the donation of its innovative equipment and digital technologies to set up the new exercise therapy center at the PRIME Center, where research programs are carried out on the effects of exercise in cancer patients.
The innovative Technogym equipment allows cancer patients to carry out precise and personalised training programmes. Moreover, it guarantees the possibility of recording all the parameters of each exercise session. The study of exercise data associated with the clinical data of each patient allows us to conduct innovative research on the effectiveness of exercise in cancer therapy.
To date, 70 patients participate in the project and over 500 training sessions have been provided by the specialised team of exercise professionals at the PRIME Center.
The innovative Technogym equipment allows cancer patients to carry out precise and personalised training programmes. Moreover, it guarantees the possibility of recording all the parameters of each exercise session. The study of exercise data associated with the clinical data of each patient allows us to conduct innovative research on the effectiveness of exercise in cancer therapy.
To date, 70 patients participate in the project and over 500 training sessions have been provided by the specialised team of exercise professionals at the PRIME Center.
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