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Rete Città Sane

27 May 2024
On Thursday 23 and Friday 24 May, the 21st Meeting of the WHO-Healthy Cities Network was held in Bologna. This edition, with the theme “One World, One Health, One Medicine“, aimed to deepen an ecosystem approach through the contribution of national and international experts, in order to define the role of cities in the pursuit of overall common wellbeing, with particular reference to the policies and tools of local administrations for the promotion of collective health.

"Cities are the places where citizens’ health needs manifest themselves and must therefore play a leading role in building strategies and planning interventions. Together, we want to make our voice heard with the aim of building tools and finding adequate resources to be really incisive in promoting wellbeing" - Lamberto Bertolé, Councillor for Welfare and Health of the Municipality of Milan and President of the Network

The idea of a “Healthy City” according to the WHO does not imply the achievement of a specific health status, but rather an awareness and constant effort to improve the health and well-being of citizens. Thus, a healthy city focuses on quality of life and facilitates healthy and sustainable lifestyle choices.

During the meeting, the Italian Network of Healthy Cities emphasised the importance of a forward-looking strategic vision, of dialogue between public and private actors, and of measuring the impact of wellbeing policies over time.

Among the guests of the final day were the institutional round table on the role of cities for the common good, moderated by Chiara Daina of Corriere Salute: Councillor for Welfare and Health of the Municipality of Milan and President of the Network Lamberto Bertolé, Daniela Bianco of The European House Ambrosetti, Ezio Lattanzio of Silver Economy Network, Giuseppe Napoli of Federsanità, Luca Rizzo Nervo, Councillor for Welfare and Health of the Municipality of Bologna, Ranieri Poli of the Ministry of Health – Department One Health, Valentina Possenti of the National Centre for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, and Federica Alberti Director of the Wellness Foundation, who shared the Wellness Valley and Milan Wellness City 2030 projects, emphasising 3 essential elements for the creation of truly healthy cities:

  1. a forward-looking strategic vision aimed at people’s well-being;

  2. the dialogue and the involvement of transversal actors, both public and private. The challenge is complex and requires collaboration, commitment and perseverance from different worlds: from schools to companies, from the medical community to exercise professionals, from public administrations to universities, from the world of sport to that of tourism, from urban development to culture;

  3. measuring impact and progress over time.

A special thank you goes to Francesco Caroli and Lamberto Bertolé, respectively National Coordinator and President of the WHO Healthy Cities Network, for bringing together a group of experts and enthusiasts of common well-being, and to all those who participated by sharing their experiences and commitments to the future of health.
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